A youtube sajnos gyors volt, és le is vették a video-t, de én letöltöttem, szóval számotokra továbbra is élvezhető:)
Gyerekek majd' leestem a székről, mikor megláttam ezt. Teljes New Moon trailer, bár francia, de a képek magukért beszélnek. Csodás! végre van benne Edward-Bella csók, Jacob és a farkasok, Victoria és a Volturi is. Imádom!
Egyenlőre csak berakom az angol fordítást, mert franciául kevesebben tudtok, de holnapra lefordítom magyarra is.
Jacob: New Moon is much more complexe than Twilight.
Edward: I’m leaving, you’ll never see me again.
Jacob: Edward’s leaving makes Bella deeply depressive and Jacob becomes the friend on whom she can always rely.
Jacob: I know what he made you suffer, Bella, I’ll never make you suffer. I swear.
Bella: You know you’re beautiful?
Jacob: Jacob has changed in many ways and is physically much stronger, he put on at least 14 kilos.
Bella: Be careful those things are really heavy.
Jacob: As time passes you can feel the passion growing. New Moon will really bring it up to a whole new level. There’s more action in this movie especially with the intervention of the wolf pack. I think fans will be really satisfied.
Jacob: New Moon is great. The suspense grows from the beginning to the end.
Jacob: Avoid contradicting me. "